clear wall of ivy strip back long length of stonewall of very well-established tree ivy that was destroying the wall…
clear graveyard cut down several small trees and lots of brambles, and remove tree ivy that had engulfed…
cleared wall removed saplings and brambles, and cut down nettles and ivy, ready for wall to be restored…
fix, restore, repair… solve your problems, build, install, renovate, organise, clear, preserve, plan, repair, refurbish or decorate…
greenhouse clean down old cedar greenhouse, secure glazing, paint ironmongery and stain to protect it…
outbuilding build very large extension to existing shed, brick plinth, add open roof and three skylights…
greenhouse floor clean out concrete floor of a greenhouse, prepare and then paint in agreed RAL colour…
garden planter cut and fit treated sleeper planting area, adjust paving and re-fill with decorative slate…
cut willow remove extensive growth from two pollarded willow trees restoring the view across farmland…
reduce hedgerow considerably reduce a long and very wide hedgerow – to maintain views across the fields beyond…
repair driveway patch repair a series of smallish potholes with tarmac along well used private driveway…
assemble furniture unpack and put together two tables, sofas and garden chairs plus large umbrella + base…